Join us to establish contact with young scientists, enhance your scientific network and deepen your knowledge in cutting-edge crystal growth related topics!

The jDGKK Seminar takes place twice a year and is organized by young scientists for young scientists, i.e. Bachelor, Master and PhD students.

At the seminar, you can expand your scientific network and deepen your knowledge in cutting-edge crystal growth related topics.

As usual, we have invited speakers who will give you interesting insights into their current research.

Moreover, we would like to encourage you to prepare a poster and a lightning talk (4 minutes) to present your current scientific work.

This is a great opportunity to practice scientific presentations in front of a bigger audience and discuss your topic in a relaxed environment among peers


The meeting will take place at the Campus München-Garching.

(James-Franck-Straße 1, 85748 Garching, HS 2).  See also Veranstaltungsort of DKT2020